Workshop 2: Language revitalisation and the transformation of family life

By following the links below you will find a selection of video clips that summarise the types of issues discussed during the second Revitalise workshop held at University of Edinburgh on 8-9 September 2017.

The role of complementary schools in Scotland: opportunities and constraints of intergenerational language maintenance, Dr Andy Hancock, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh

Promoting partnership in the early years to support minority language revitalisation, Dr Tina Hickey, School of Psychology, University College Dublin

The transformation of family life, Professor Lynn Jamieson, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh

Family language policy research: where are we going and why? Professor Kendall King, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota

Engaging the whole family in language learning and use: opportunities and challenges for Gaelic-medium early years provision, Dr Ciorstaidh NicLeòid, School of Celtic & Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh

Language and imagination: the challenges of exploring family language policy through the children’s eyes, Dr Cassie Smith-Christmas, School of Culture and Communication, University of Limerick